At mealtime, most of us opt to place our pet's food bowls on the floor at a lower-level position. This is fine for younger or smaller animals that don't have to dip their necks too low to reach their food, however, it's not optimal for all animals. Not only can elevated feeding bowls be more comfortable for your pet by reducing any strain they may be experiencing from having to bend too far down to get to the bowl, but they may also help to discourage unwanted bowl tossing behaviors.
What are elevated pet food bowls?
An elevated pet food bowl is any pet food bowl that does not sit directly on the floor. The actual height of elevation of the bowl may vary based on design. With the popularity of raised food bowls, many pet owners have wondered if they should ditch their old regular pet food bowls and start their canines on elevated ones due to the potential benefits they provide.

There are elevated food bowls (also called raised food bowls) that come in set elevations for different sized pets, and there are adjustable raised pet food bowls that allow owners to choose a specific bowl height.If you aim to reduce stress on your pet's spine or neck, you should use a raised food bowl tall enough to do this.
Does your pet need elevated food bowls?
Having your pet's bowl higher off the ground puts less strain on your pet's neck. So if your pet is older or struggles with joint or bone issues, elevated bowls are a great way to make them comfortable when they eat. If you have a large or giant breed pet, elevated bowls aren't going to be the best fit.It can make eating easier for your pet.
According to elevated bowl enthusiasts, one of the top benefits of using an elevated bowl to feed your pets? It makes it easier and more comfortable for them to eat.

Elevating the bowl off the ground puts it closer to your pet’s mouth. That means your pet doesn’t have to bend their head down to the floor when they want a bite of food or a drink of water. Having their food elevated puts less strain on their neck—which can be especially helpful for pets with mobility issues, arthritis, or joint disorders.
Do cats need a tilted food bowl?
The slanted cat bowls are also good for normal cats as it will further prevent the cats from getting any further complications in their neck or back that might cause digestive issues in them. Additionally, the tilted cat bowls will also make it easier to get the food due to the slanted angle.
When raising the food the cat has a better position when eating, because gravity helps to get the food down to his digestive system. ... In general, elevating the food and water bowls helps cats to reduce the strain when leaning their bodies, which helps to avoid future problems in the spine, hips, or digestive system.
What type of food bowl is best for cats?
Ceramic, stainless steel, or melamine dishes are the best choice for cats. Plastic bowls can absorb odors and deter cats from eating or drinking. Always check bowls for scratches and chips which could harbor bacteria, or hurt the cat's mouth. In multiple cat households, each cat should have their own set of bowls.

Improves cat's posture when eating
Traditionally, cat food and water dishes have been placed on the ground. To eat or drink, the cat is then forced to acutely flex their spine and paws. The cat will then adopt a posture that causes their head to be kept down, stretching their necks as they tilt toward the bowls and flexing their front legs. When the cat's head and mouth are lower than its stomach because the food bowl is on the floor, the cat is more likely to have reflux or even choking issues. Cats with existing digestive problems or who eat too fast might be more prone to problems associated with the height of their feeders. To know more about digestive problems in cats, our article on the gurgling sound in a cat's stomach might be helpful.

In these positions, the digestive tract of the animal is curved and will be exposed to different pressures. This can compress sections of their gastrointestinal tract, especially their esophagus and stomach. When food is in transit, this compression can impair the digestive process, increase the risk of indigestion, nausea, and the development of digestive problems. The latter can include gas and vomiting, but also contribute to more serious issues.
The cat's joints and spine also suffer from adopting these postures. A cat that eats from a low position is practically sitting, giving them a curved spine. The pressure exerted is especially forceful in the lumbar region and the joints of the neck and back. Furthermore, the joints suffer additional wear and tear as they remain flexed when eating. This is because they are also bearing much of the animal's weight, adding to the strain of the awkward posture. In certain instances, especially when the cat suffers from obesity or underlying joint problems, this can cause permanent damage.

One of the great advantages of raising the cat feeder is to improve the animal's posture during feeding, which helps prevent spinal problems and digestive disorders. This is also a very healthy alternative for your kitty's joints, as it prevents adding additional strain to the daily wear and tear they already receive.While this benefits all cats, it is particularly important for older cats and those who have already been diagnosed with arthritis, osteoarthritis, or other conditions that directly affect the joints and/or spine.
iPettie: Bring your pet an amazing life.
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*We hope to give you better ideas for your pet, but this information is not meant to be a substitute for veterinary care. Always follow the instructions provided by your veterinarian. If your pet feels bad, please take it to the veterinarian in time.